Year: 2019 | Month: June | Volume 7 | Issue 1

Development of Mathematical Model to Control Human Population



In this article an effort has been made for a stochastic model of intrinsic rate of human population growth of India and studied when the couples at the personal level decide whether to continue child bearing or not is made on the basis of desired number of male Childs. The aim of developing such a model of intrinsic rate of population growth in terms of bio-social parameters is to study the growth rate of ultimate stable population implied when couples adopt family building process based on desired number of living male child. The departure of the proposed formulation from traditional approach makes it more realistic and relevant from the point of view of bio-social parameters shaping human reproduction. In terms of long run nature of growth rate of population. This model explains the sensitiveness of the biosocial parameters such as female’s age at marriage time, survival chance of mother, spacing between births etc. It will also help to stimulate the consequences of alternating bio-social parameters shaping human reproduction

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International Journal of Applied Science & Engineering(IJASE)| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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